
   2019-07-09 eGouz上网导航0
核心提示:  Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were never elected to office and came to their jobs as White House senior advisers for President Donald Trump with zero experience in government service.    伊万卡·特朗普和贾德·库斯纳从未担任过公职,

  Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were never elected to office and came to their jobs as White House senior advisers for President Donald Trump with zero experience in government service.




  The couple now face increasing media and congressional scrutiny and federal investigations over their private business deals and conduct on the Trump presidential campaign, or in the White House.




  But the two, described as dilettantes by departing Chief of Staff John Kelly, may have solidified control over White House operations, according to a New York Times report about Kelly.


  离任参谋长John Kelly说这两个人完全是外行,但《纽约时报》对Kelly的报道中说他们可能已经完全掌握了对白宫运行的控制。


  “The view inside is that they are now ‘running the building,'” one of Donald Trump's allies told the New York Times. For some months, the couple “have been seen as maneuvering for greater control and influence around the president,” the Times added.


  《纽约时报》补充道:“唐纳德·特朗普的一个支持者对《纽约时报》说从内部来看,他们现在‘控制着白宫 ’,大家看到这对夫妇几个月以来一直试图在更大程度上控制并影响总统。”


  Their maneuvering didn't sit well with Kelly, and it's apparently one of the reasons he's decided to leave his job at the end of the month.




  His departure was seen inside the White House as “as a coup” for Ivanka Trump and Kushner.




  But Kelly's departure also is seen problematic for Donald Trump, who faces “the fight of his political life” over his uncertain prospects for re-election, the Russia investigation and threats from newly empowered House Democrats who promise tougher oversight of him and people in his administration, the Times said.




  The president also was hit with more possible bad news. Nick Ayers, the top candidate to replace Kelly as chief of staff, turned down Trump's offer to come work for him. Ayers, the chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence, said he, too, was leaving the administration at the end of the month.


  总统也受到了更多可能产生的负面新闻的打击,取代Kelly就任参谋长的头号人选Nick Ayers拒绝了特朗普让其为他工作的邀约。现任副总统迈克·彭斯的参谋长的Ayers说月底他也会离职。


  Unlike service in the administrations of previous presidents, a stint in the Trump White House often leads to diminished public standing, thanks to a president who likes to insult departing staffers and Cabinet members on T witter, O'Brien argued, quoting another New York Times report.


  O’Brien引用另外一则《纽约时报》报道称,有这样一位爱在推 特上骂离职人员和内阁成员的总统在,特朗普任职期间的白宫政府服务做得不像前任总统,公众形象一再下滑。


  Ivanka Trump, 37, is a one-time teen model and socialite whose prior professional experience mostly involved working with her father on his real estate, name licensing and reality TV endeavors, even when she started her eponymous fashion brand. Similarly, Kushner, also 37, pretty much always worked for his father's New York real estate company.




  The couple repeatedly clashed with Kelly, a retired four-star Marine general who entered the White House in July 2017. Kelly was expected to impose order and respectability in a White House that was seen as dysfunctional and chaotic, the New York Times added.




  Kelly, who according to Bob Woodward's tell-all book called Trump an “idiot” and referred to the White House as “Crazytown,” has long complained that Ivanka Trump and Kushner were “playing government,” according to the Times.


  《纽约时报》称Bob Woodward在一本披露内幕的书中爆料Kelly称特朗普为“白痴”,说白宫是“疯狂镇”,他很长一段时间都在抱怨说伊万卡·特朗普和库斯纳正在“玩弄政府”。

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