
   2019-07-09 21英语网0
核心提示:Zhai Tianlin, a Chinese actor, was found guilty of academic misconduct. CFPIt’s not easy to write a thesis. But if you are tempted to copy another’s work to save you trouble, you should think twice - you may be on your way to academic mi

Zhai Tianlin, a Chinese actor, was found guilty of academic misconduct. CFP

It’s not easy to write a thesis. But if you are tempted to copy another’s work to save you trouble, you should think twice - you may be on your way to academic misconduct.
撰写论文并非易事。但如果你想靠抄袭了事,那就要三思而行了—— 你或许正在陷入学术不端。

Liu Mengjie, a graduate of Hunan University, had her master’s degree taken away after the university discovered that Liu had committed academic misconduct, according to an announcement by the university on April 2.

Liu’s master’s dissertation thesis plagiarized a proposal for research funding from a national science organization written by a teacher at a university in Yunnan province.

This came among a wave of plagiarism-related cases. In February, Zhai Tianlin, a Chinese actor, was found guilty of academic misconduct.

During a live video, he said he wasn’t aware of the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), a thesis pool commonly used among Chinese university students. Meanwhile, it was found that about 40 percent of an essay that he published in 2017 was copied, after it was put through the CNKI, according to Sixth Tone.

The case of Zhai has shed light on the lack of supervision of academic writing among university students.

“By simply focusing on Zhai, people are avoiding the real problem. Colleges and universities face great corruption problems, and that is what we should be looking into,” Chu Zhaohui, a senior researcher at the National Institute of Education Sciences, told China Daily.

In fact, academic misconduct is not unique to Chinese university students.

According to a 2016 report by The Wall Street Journal, US public universities recorded about five cases of alleged cheating for every 100 foreign students, and one for every 100 domestic students.

In the UK, the number of academic misconduct cases increased by 40 percent, from 2,640 to 3,721, between the academic years 2014-15 and 2016-17, reported the Guardian.

“A growing number of young people also feel more pressure than ever before, often turning to cheating to help them get through their degrees,” Thomas Lancaster, a senior teaching fellow at Imperial College London, told the Guardian. “It’s also easier to access websites that offer paid-to-order essays.”

Luckily, measures have been taken to deal with the problem. Universities like Columbia have asked incoming students to finish an academic integrity workshop, reported VOA. University officials in the UK have called for a ban on companies offering essays for sale.

In China, the Ministry of Education said in April it would run random checks on around 6,000 doctoral dissertations for plagiarism this year.

标签: 学位 湖南大学
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