
   2019-07-09 21英语网0
核心提示:In the program Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, Kondo shows people how to organize their things. CFP.Few of us enjoy sorting out messy closets and being reminded of the quantity of useless stuff we own. But perhaps we can get some help from Mar

In the program Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, Kondo shows people how to organize their things. CFP.

Few of us enjoy sorting out messy closets and being reminded of the quantity of useless stuff we own. But perhaps we can get some help from Marie Kondo, the famous Japanese tidier, to make our tidying up that bit easier.

Like her 2012 New York Times best-selling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, her new hit show on US media service Netflix, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, is about helping people to tidy up their homes and transform their lives in the process. The show has started a social media craze. Under Kondo’s inspiration, many people are posting pictures of their tidy drawers and closets.

The tidier starts each cleaning-up task by sitting on the floor, quietly communicating with the house. For her, organizing is not just about tidying up, it has a higher spiritual meaning.

Deciding what to keep and what to throw away has more to do with the emotion an object inspires – whether it “sparks joy”, as she often says. For example, we see on the show how, with Kondo’s help, a sad widow got a fresh start after she learned how to properly store her purses, make a memory box and say goodbye to unneeded things.
就像她常说的那样,决定哪些东西该扔,哪些东西不该扔更多地取决于这一物品所带来的情感 —— 它是否能“产生快乐”。比如,我们在节目中看到,在近藤的帮助下,一位忧伤的丧偶女士学会了如何合理收纳自己的手袋,制作回忆宝盒,与不需要的东西告别,从而开始全新的生活。

“Kondo guides people who are at a crossroads and resolved to finally tackle the mess blocking their joy, transforming lives in emotional and surprising ways,” Netflix said.

According to Kondo, making space for the things we need every day can reduce our stress and give us more time to enjoy what we really love. “The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment,” Kondo wrote in her book. She added: “Tidying is magic. It will open up your life to true joy.”

Yet not everyone buys her idea that tidying up can change our lives. “I’m still the same person who hates doing dishes even after I cleaned my house,” Val Bromann, a US digital marketer, told Vox website.

It’s true that we all have our own tidiness model. But without doubt, mess is often about unhappiness, and the right kind of tidying can be therapy for the people in a home as much as it is a practical everyday skill.

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