
   2019-01-06 eGouz上网导航0
核心提示:  Maybe you're looking for love, maybe you're unsure if you'll ever find it, maybe you're in a relationship and wondering where all the love went.    可能你正在寻找爱;可能你不确定是否能找到真爱;可能你在谈恋爱但还在想爱都去哪儿了。 

  Maybe you're looking for love, maybe you're unsure if you'll ever find it, maybe you're in a relationship and wondering where all the love went.




  Regardless, I'm here to tell you that this lack of love is not your fault.




  This means shifting our perspective on love in three essential ways:




  1. Instead of searching for that one special loving relationship, bring as much love as you can into all your relationships.




  You may have many soulmates in a lifetime and those relationships may not last forever.




  Your friendships may last longer than your marriage. And that is OK. Love expands to fill the space available. The trick is making the space available.




  Everyone on this planet -- including yourself -- is deserving of love. And everyone on this planet is deserving of your love.




  Once we let go of this idea of the one, we open ourselves up to seeing and loving everyone.




  2. Instead of seeing love as a force that is out of your control, see it as an art and a practice.




  We are all artists of love, but too many people refuse to pick up a paintbrush because they're waiting to find the right picture to paint.




  We can only realize the tremendous potential we all have to love if we actually do something about it.




  Marianne Williamson writes that we experience love as kindness, giving, forgiveness, compassion, peace, joy and acceptance.




  Love can show up in a million different ways in a million different forms, which means we have a million choices everyday to bring love into our lives, or not.




  My advice: choose love.




  3. Try falling in love not just with people, but also with places, things and activities.




  Fall in love with the cashier bagging your groceries.




  Fall in love with the bus driver transporting you safely home.




  Fall in love with the streetlamp that keeps your home secure at night.




  Fall in love with the way the morning sunlight cascades through the trees.




  Fall in love with your passions.




  Your existence is such an unbelievably fantastic event in this miracle of life that the best and only real option is to become the most tender-hearted, loving and kind individual you can possibly be.



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