
   2019-01-06 eGouz上网导航0
核心提示:   If you are spending time with family or friends over the festive period, Nina Grunfeld - the founder of Life Clubs, an organisation that aims to help people live more fulfilling lives - recommends assigning each person one hour in whic

   If you are spending time with family or friends over the festive period, Nina Grunfeld - the founder of Life Clubs, an organisation that aims to help people live more fulfilling lives - recommends assigning each person one hour in which they are in charge of the group’s schedule, when they can choose whichever activity they consider most relaxing. “One of my children might decide we all have to play a video game; another will decide we are all going for a walk; another will make us all bake cakes. That way you all get a bit of ‘me-time’, and you can experience someone else’s – and it’s very relaxing not having to make decisions for the whole day,” she says.

  如果你在节日期间与家人或朋友共度时光,Nina Grunfeld--“生活俱乐部”的创始人,该组织旨在帮助人们过上更充实的生活 - 建议为每个人分配一小时,让他们负责整个小组的活动安排,他们可以选择他们认为最放松的活动。 “我的一个孩子可能决定我们都玩电子游戏; 另一个人会决定我们都去散步; 另一个会让我们都烤蛋糕。 通过这种方式,你们都可以获得一些‘我的时间’,而且你可以体验到其他人的体验 - 而且也无需一整天都自行做出决定,这是非常让人放松的,”她说。


  Try to remember what you most enjoyed doing as a child, then identify the most important aspect of that activity and find the adult version. If you loved playing in the sandpit, you might want to try pottery, or if you liked building things, you might want to make bread.

  尽量想想你在孩童时期最喜欢作的事,然后找出这件事最重要的方面并找到其成人版。如果你喜欢在沙坑里玩,你可以尝试一下陶器, 或者如果你喜欢建造东西,你可以尝试做面包。

  Experiment with looking at the world in a new way. “Allow yourself to explore. Just walk around wherever you are and see what you can find that is completely new. Try to get lost – whenever you get to a turning, ask yourself do you want to go left or right, and see where you end up,” says Grunfeld.

  尝试以全新的方式看待世界。 “让自己去探索吧。 无论你在何地,到处走走,看看你能否找到的全新的东西。 试着迷路 - 每当你转弯时,问问自己你想要向左或向右走,看看你最终到底会到哪里,”Grunfeld说。

  If you have no idea how to start relaxing, look at the science, says the clinical psychologist Rachel Andrew. “There is a growing body of research to suggest being out in nature is uplifting and nourishing.”

  而临床心理学家Rachel Andrew说,如果你不知道如何开始放松,那就看看科学。 “越来越多的研究表明,人在大自然中能够得到振奋和滋养。”

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