
   2018-12-27 21英语网0
核心提示:The picture shows the limited edition lipstick collection from the Palace Museum. CHINA DAILYThe Palace Museum, long associated with images of century-old buildings and relics, is now taking a surprising step into fashion: not high-end fash

The picture shows the limited edition lipstick collection from the Palace Museum. CHINA DAILY

The Palace Museum, long associated with images of century-old buildings and relics, is now taking a surprising step into fashion: not high-end fashion, but the everyday kind. On Dec 9, the online store of the Palace Museum Cultural and Creative Store released a new product – a lipstick collection in six colors.
长久以来,人们一直将故宫博物院与百年老建筑和文物古迹联系在一起。而如今,它正大胆进军时尚界:并非高端时尚,而是日用品。12月9日,故宫博物院文化创意馆网上旗舰店推出了新品 —— 六色故宫口红。

The colors showcase classic Chinese beauty: Lang Yao glaze red, Bean paste red, Tourmaline purple, Rose-purple, Mermaid pink and Maple red. They are drawn from items in different shades of red worn by the emperors’ concubines during the Qing dynasty (1644-1911).

The lipstick packaging was inspired by the patterns of traditional Chinese porcelains and embroideries. It features red-crowned cranes, lingzhi mushrooms and butterflies, all done in an elegant style, reported People’s Daily.

“The lipstick colors are so attractive because they have traditional Chinese cultural meanings,” a WeChat user surnamed Liu told Global Times. “I think the lipsticks also have a high collection value.”

标签: 故宫 传说中
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