
   2018-11-23 21英语网0
核心提示:Wenshan city in Yunnan province bans dog owners from walking their pets in urban areas from 7 am to 10 pm. CFPFor many dog owners, walking their pet may be one of the happiest moments in a day – a time of relaxation for themselves and thei

Wenshan city in Yunnan province bans dog owners from walking their pets in urban areas from 7 am to 10 pm. CFP

For many dog owners, walking their pet may be one of the happiest moments in a day – a time of relaxation for themselves and their pets.
对于许多养狗人士而言,遛狗或许是一天中最开心的时光 —— 他们和宠物都能放松一下。

However, for dog owners in Wenshan city in Yunnan province, walking their dog has just become more inconvenient.

The city issued a notice on Oct 29 saying that dog owners are banned from walking their pets in urban areas from 7 am to 10 pm.

Some people have backed the rule, saying it makes people feel safer.

“It is from 7 am to 10 pm that people are very active, and banning dog walking at that time could help avoid conflicts between dogs and people,” reporter Gong Dazhong wrote for the Yangtse Evening Post.

Others say the rule is inconvenient for pet owners and their pets.

“Everybody’s circumstances are different, but the rule is too inflexible,” a Wenshan pet owner surnamed Zhang told The Beijing News.

“I have some female friends who are single, and it’s unsafe for them to walk their dogs after 10 pm,” she said.

The rule was introduced due to a growing number of conflicts between dog owners and pedestrians. Early this month, a dog owner in Hangzhou attacked a woman who tried to drive an unleashed dog away as it started barking at her son. A violent confrontation followed.

Wang Yukai, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Governance in Beijing, said that while Wenshan’s rule is well-intentioned, banning dogs from being walked from 7 am to 10 pm is a bad idea.

Efforts to prevent conflicts should focus on making sure that dog owners raise their dogs properly, Wang told The Beijing News. For example, dog owners should be reminded to keep their dogs on a leash and clean up their droppings.

The problem isn’t unique to China. Other countries have also taken similar actions.

According to Shanghai Daily, in the United States, many states have laws that require dangerous dogs to be leashed. If an unleashed dog bites someone, its owner could be fined or even sent to prison.

The Independent in London said dog owners in Berlin, Germany’s capital, must get a license to walk their pets without a leash. To get the license, dogs need to pass basic training and prove that they are manageable.

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