
   2018-11-02 21英语网0
核心提示:图片来源:新华社From the Forbidden City to the Great Wall, ancient Chinese people have always been praised for their building skills and wisdom.从紫禁城到长城,古代中国人民的建筑才能和智慧向来备受赞誉。And their great skills have been passe


From the Forbidden City to the Great Wall, ancient Chinese people have always been praised for their building skills and wisdom.

And their great skills have been passed down to modern Chinese people. Evidence of this can be seen in recent buildings, such as the National Stadium, also known as the “Bird’s Nest”, in Beijing, and the Shanghai Tower.

And recently, China has created even more proof of its great building skills.

On Oct 23, President Xi Jinping announced the opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) at an opening ceremony in Zhuhai, Guangdong province.

The HZMB, which is located at the waters of the Lingdingyang of Pearl River Estuary, is a huge sea crossing, linking the Hong Kong SAR, Zhuhai city and the Macao SAR.

As the world’s longest sea-based project, the 55-kilometre bridge is the result of five years of research and another nine years of building. It has been named as one of the “seven wonders of the modern world” by the Guardian.

The project is made up of a 22.9-kilometer-long main bridge, a 6.7-kilometer-long tunnel and an artificial island off the bridge.

“It is designed with a service life of 120 years. It can withstand … a strong wind equal to a maximum Beaufort scale 16,” Zhu Yongling, a project official, told the Guardian. “It can also [withstand] … a magnitude-8 earthquake.”

Meanwhile, the Y-shaped bridge could reduce travel time from Hong Kong to Zhuhai and Macao from four hours to about 45 minutes.

“The bridge will not only be a transport link. It will be a social, economic, cultural, and tourism connection among the three areas,” Yu Lie, deputy director of the HK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority, told Xinhua.

It will bring people in Hong Kong, Macao and Guangdong within a “one-hour living circle”, which is expected to attract more visitors to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Indeed, “the HZMB is one of the most important elements of the development of the Bay Area,” said Jason Ni Mengcheng, an assistant professor at City University of Hong Kong.

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