
   2018-10-18 eGouz上网导航0



1. Start somewhere, start anywhere.


I used to think you always had to start at the beginning. A lot of people say, “I don’t know where to start.” When I’m faced with a task that seems daunting, I simply divide it into as many actions as I can. Start with those. Even if it’s not the beginning.


2. It’s OK to do things twice. In fact, plan on it.


The added benefit to this strategy is that you are constantly giving yourself a second chance. That’s a very relaxing way to live. So plan to do everything twice, as if it’s part of the process. But if by chance you do get it right the first time — bingo! You’ve won the time lottery for the day.


3. Seek to connect, not to impress.


“Seek to connect” is good advice whether you are dating, job hunting, out with friends, spending time with your children. It doesn’t mean that it has to be all about them, either. That isn’t connection. It’s about the back and forth, and the mutual understanding. I guarantee, it’s better than impressive.


4. Don’t be the person looking for a job. Be the person doing something interesting.


The best way to get a job is to get a referral from someone who has no vested interest in you getting the job, but has simply seen you doing amazing things. What are you accomplishing? What are you creating? What are you doing that no other applicant is doing? Spend part of your day doing those things, and opportunities will start to find you.


5. Anxiety is when the voices in your head are worried about the future. Depression is when the voices inside your heart are worried about the past. Peace of mind is when those two voices stop talking to each other.


Be happy with what you have, or change what you want to change. Peace of mind actually becomes a way to shape your future.


6. If you want self-esteem, go out and do something esteemable.


Go out and do something esteemable. It can be anything. Don’t know where to start? See #1 above.


7. This is life.


Life is the reality of you, living in a world you are not really the center of. And as part of the life, you have a choice, every minute of every day — about what to do and how to think. More specifically, you have a choice about what to think about. What to notice. What to give your attention to.


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