
   2018-09-19 21英语网0
核心提示:TNSLate US artist Andy Warhol is believed to have once said, “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.”人们认为,已故的美国艺术家安迪·沃霍尔曾说过这么一句话:“未来,每个人都可能在15分钟内成名。”But in this age of so


Late US artist Andy Warhol is believed to have once said, “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.”

But in this age of social media, selfies, and the internet, it’s hard to say what “fame” actually is.

In the movie Vox Lux (《光之声》), which was first shown this month at the Venice Film Festival, US director Brady Corbet tries to answer that question.

“[Fame is] a commodification of everything, where violence becomes something you sell, news becomes something you sell, even private life does,”the movie’s star Natalie Portman told reporters at the Toronto International Film Festival.

In the movie, the Israeli-US actress plays the lead role of Celeste, a pop singer who’s 14 years into a hugely successful career. By that point, however, the character has become bitter and her fame is beginning to fade – compared to her younger self, a sweet and carefree girl who suddenly finds herself in the spotlight.
影片中,这位出生于以色列的美国女演员饰演女主角塞莱斯特,一位入行14年的超级流行巨星。然而就在这时,塞莱斯特开始变得忿忿不平,渐渐开始过气 —— 而年少一夜成名的她,曾是个无忧无虑的可爱女孩。

This is a classic tale of a rise to fame, but in today’s world of social media, it’s easy for just about anyone with a smartphone to become famous. But as more and more people search for the spotlight, this may add pressure on many of us to keep up with the “perfect” lives we see on the internet.

“It appears that most people ... are living lives full of nothing but happiness, love, and rewarding events and experiences,” psychologist Kurt Smith wrote on HuffPost.

That isn’t to say that everyone uses their popularity to make others feel bad about themselves. Take UK beauty blogger Em Ford for example. In 2015, the online star, known for her makeup tutorials, posted a video in which she slowly removed her flawless makeup, showing her bad skin underneath. “I wanted to create a film that showed how social media can set unrealistic expectations for both women and men,” Ford wrote in the video’s description.

So, it seems that the definition of fame changes all the time. But if Vox Lux teaches us one lesson, it’s that if we’re lucky enough to obtain the “commodity” of fame, we should spend it wisely.

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