
   2018-07-06 eGouz上网导航0
核心提示:  For the first time in more than 40 years, a great white shark has been recorded swimming off the Spanish Mediterranean island of Majorca.  一只大白鲨在西班牙地中海的马略卡岛上出现并被记录下来。这是40多年来该区域第一次出现大白鲨。  A

  For the first time in more than 40 years, a great white shark has been recorded swimming off the Spanish Mediterranean island of Majorca.


  A wildlife conservation group captured footage of the shark wandering around the Cabrera archipelago.



  The last confirmed sighting of such a fish in the Balearic Islands was by a fisherman in 1976.


  Great whites can weigh up to two tonnes, grow to lengths of 20ft (6m) and reach speeds of 40km/h (25mph).


  "The presence of great white sharks in Spanish waters has been a constant rumour," biologist and documentary maker Fernando López-Mirones told Efe news agency.

  生物学家和纪录片制作人Fernando López-Mirones告诉Efe新闻社说:“一直有传闻说西班牙水域出现大白鲨。”

  "However, we’ve been unable to document their presence for many years."


  Scientists with Spanish conservation group Alnitak recorded the shark for over an hour.


  "We watched the shark up close for 70 minutes around 3m (10ft) from the boat," Mr López-Mirones told Spanish newspaper El País.

  “我们近距离观察这只鲨鱼长达70分钟,它在距离船3米(10英尺)的地方游动,”López-Mirones t先生告诉西班牙报纸El País。

  According to a documentary from 2007, 27 great whites were caught by fishermen around the Balearic Islands between 1920 and 1976.


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