
   2018-05-18 eGouz上网导航0
核心提示:If life treats you unfairly.如果生活对你不公。Don't cry. Don't shout. Don't complain to anyone.不要哭泣。不要叫嚷。也不要向任何人抱怨。Because that's just how life is.因为这就是生活。It's never fair.它从来就不是公平的。Let me tell you a sto

If life treats you unfairly.


Don't cry. Don't shout. Don't complain to anyone.


Because that's just how life is.


It's never fair.



Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there were two boys.


One of them was short and the other was tall.


They stood in front of a low wall and both wanted to see what was beyond that wall.


The taller one could easily do that but the shorter one needed to stand on a chair to reach the height.


To the taller one the chair was only a chair.


But the shorter one called the chair Justice, because it made the situation "fair".


Well, real life is just like this. It's not fair.


Most people complain about it and stop at just complaining about it, while a few others choose to bear this unfairness and try to discover their own strength.


And this second kind are the ones who have a chance to truly run the world.


Only by bearing unfairness can you bear responsibility.


That's how life works.


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