《My cat Tiger》我的猫咪英文诗歌

   2018-04-30 eGouz上网导航0
核心提示:每个孩子都有自己喜欢的小动物,尤其是猫,这首诗是富有想象力的诗歌,把猫的经历和孩子们的想象力窜连在一起,异想天开的畅想才是孩子们最好的成长过程。My cat Tiger was out all alone,On a dark and stormy night.He was lost and very far from home,But


《My cat Tiger》我的猫咪英文诗歌

My cat Tiger was out all alone,

On a dark and stormy night.

He was lost and very far from home,

But tried to conceal his fright.

In an instant a giant storm cloud

Took him to a distant star,

Where he was met by a bizarre crowd

With faces as black as tar.

He ran for his life, not looking back,

But they were right behind him

Shouting, “let’s get him, on the attack!”

Looking determined and grim.

Tiger ran to the end of the star,

And had nowhere else to go.

Then off he flew, like a speeding car,

Into the ocean below.

With sharks in the water everywhere,

And a giant whale near by,

Tiger cried out in total despair,

And began to sob and to cry.

Just then my alarm began to ring,

What relief when I awoke!

And outside I could hear the birds sing,

And Tiger was on the oak.

标签: 英文 猫咪 诗歌
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