《She's My Angel》她是我的天使

   2018-04-30 eGouz上网导航0
核心提示:爱情的极限是平淡的,爱情存在于生活之中,这首诗歌表达了情侣之间的情感,描述了情侣之间如胶似漆的甜蜜爱恋,平平淡淡才是真,只要你能把她在你心目中的感受说出来就是真实的爱情。She's that smile that I need when I've had a crummy day.She's that rai



She's that smile that I need when I've had a crummy day.

She's that rainbow of color when my world has turned gray.

She's that shoulder I need when I'm up against the ropes.

She's the one that I turn to when I need that ray of hope.

She's the candle's flicker in a room otherwise dark.

She's lit my soul on fire for her from the very start.

She's the one I feel at peace with when I'm laying in her arms.

She's the one who captivates me with all her witty charm.

She's everything I want and everything I need

She's every single love song and in every book I read.

Every minute we share together is a minute I'll always hold tight.

She's my angel in the morning, afternoon, and night.

She's not perfect, but to me she's pretty close.

She's quick to give an attitude adjustment right when I need it the most.

She's that star in the sky that is shinning brighter than the rest.

She's that one ounce of encouragement I need to do my very best.

She's the one who knows me better than anyone else ever could.

She's the one who loves me even more than she probably should.

She's got a way of touching my heart like nobody else knows.

She's the woman I love from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

She's everything I want and everything I need

She's every single love song and in every book I read.

Every minute we share together is a minute I'll always hold tight.

She's my angel in the morning, afternoon, and night.

She's a red sports car, in the summer, running ninety.

She's forever the one I always want beside me.

She's all the words I do not say because the words do not come fast enough.

She's soft, sweet, kind, and sincere, but at times can be very tough.

She's the most expensive, most precious, priceless work of art.

She's the one, I swear, I'll never let go of until death do us part.

She's absolutely, positively, no doubt about it, my angel from above.

She's the reason I write this poem to try and express my love.

She's everything I want and everything I need

She's every single love song and in every book I read.

Every minute we share together is a minute I'll always hold tight.

She's my angel in the morning, afternoon, and night.

written byK Gossett

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