
   2018-04-30 eGouz上网导航0
核心提示:No one likes to be around an arrogant person since it is a quality that does not attract people. Yet some people may be arrogant and find it difficult to recognize it. Here are 15 signs that you’re arrogant though you might not feel like y

No one likes to be around an arrogant person since it is a quality that does not attract people. Yet some people may be arrogant and find it difficult to recognize it. Here are 15 signs that you’re arrogant though you might not feel like you are.



1.You are constantly late


There is nothing absurd in being or showing up late once in a while. This may be a bad habit on your part. However when you constantly do this intentionally, this could be a sign that you are arrogant because you seem to feel like your time is more valuable than that of others.


2. You interrupt others a lot


When you interrupt others a lot to show that you have something more important to say than what others are saying, it means you have little regard for the opinion of others and this could be a sign of arrogance.


3. You believe you are better than others


Whether in terms of your looks, intelligence or in your status you believe you are better than others and deserve to be treated better, this means you show a sign of arrogance.


4. You go out of your way to be right


You can’t just accept that you are wrong or that you can be wrong at all. You go to the extreme to offer an explanation for your being right. And after all is said and done you brag about this.


5. You think your status is more important than whatever contribution you make


When you want to take a job or a task you are focused on the title or the status attached to it. You are more interested in how the job will make you feel rather than the commitments involved.


6. When asked, “can you do it?” you always say “yes”


You don’t want to be looked down at. You feel like you are always capable and anytime you back out from a task you demonstrate a flaw.


7. People constantly tell you to give them an opportunity to prove their abilities


You seem to question everyone’s ability to get a task done. You believe you are the only one who can get the job done and thus people offer or plead for you to tolerate them and believe in them rather than stifle them.


8.You despise the weak


You can’t tolerate people who show signs of being fallible. If someone backs out from accepting responsibility and taking charge of a situation, you resent and despise such a person.


9. You have a hard time self reflecting


You find it difficult to stare at the mirror and see yourself for what you really are. You have a hard time to look back at your failures and weaknesses.


10. You love to be talked about


Anytime there is a discussion you like the discussion to be about you. During a gathering you want everyone’s attention to be on you. And if it is about a general subject you want everyone to agree to your opinion.


11. You consider people you don’t like as enemies or threats


Think of the people you don’t like. Do you consider them as threats to your perfect world? Does your blood start to boil when you hear their names or concoct reasons to prove that this person is an idiot?


12. You can’t stand people who are not like you


You want everyone to be like you. You find it difficult to speak positively about anyone who doesn’t measure up to your standards.


13. You have issues building relationships


People find it difficult to flock to you. Most likely the negative quality of arrogance has a way of turning people away. Arrogant people have a way of sacrificing their relationships with friends and other people for the sake of success or self gratification.


14. You shield your inferiority with a superiority complex


Arrogant people always have an Achilles heel, but this they do not want exposed or known by people. Thus they use an invincible front to protect their vulnerabilities.


15. You show false charm but beneath it exists some cruelty


You show false charm as a tool to draw attention to you. But this element of false magnetism can be easily recognized because you cannot sustain it for so long.


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