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核心提示:德雷莎修女说“美言不一定很长,简短的几句话,却意味深长!”写一封求爱信的10种妙招,有时候你爱慕一个人的时候不知道如何去表达,那些一封抒发感情的信件吧,如何去写一封充满爱意的信件呢?下面是我们收集整理的有关于写求爱信的英文阅读。“Kind words can



“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”― Mother Teresa

Does the idea of expressing your feelings to someone you care for make you feel nervous and tongue-tied? Writing a letter of love gives you the chance to take your time and use the right words to express your admiration and appreciation for your nearest and dearest. Whether you make the letter silly, funny, funky, or romantic, your words will come from the heart.

1. Use an intriguing opener.

Do you have a special name who you call your beloved? You might want to use it at the start to immediately catch his or her attention. If not, consider using words like “My Dear,” “My Darling,” or “My Love” or something that is meaningful to you.

2. Tell the person exactly why you’re taking the time to write.

A love letter is different from any other type of correspondence, so make sure you tell the object of your affection from the outset the reason for your letter.

3. Discuss a happy memory the two of you shared.

During the time you have spent together, there have no doubt been many happy times. As you are writing your letter, relive one in detail and share your impressions of the event with your beloved. You’ll get bonus points if it’s something that he or she may have forgotten over time.

4. Mention your beloved’s best qualities.

What makes your special person stand out from anyone else you know? Write it down and put it in your letter. The things you appreciate most may not be the things your beloved considers to be his or her most obvious strengths, so just speak from your heart. If you need a writing prompt, start with a partial sentence like:

“I appreciate you most when you…”

“Your greatest strength is…”

“The thing I think of first when your name comes to mind is…”

Complete the sentence with the first impression that you get. It will more than likely be the right one for your letter.

5. Talk about the difference he or she has made in your life.

Naturally, your life has changed for the better since you met the person to whom you are writing, and you’ll want to share this information in your love letter. This is not the place to mention any past loves, since that part of your life is over (and hopefully done with). You do want to share how much richer and fulfilling your life is now that your special someone is part of it.

6. Choose the right stationery for your letter.

Since a love letter is not a standard piece of correspondence, you don’t necessarily want to write it on plain paper. Pay a visit to a store and look for some special paper in a favorite color or style that will set it apart. Don’t forget to buy an envelope, too. You’ll have to decide whether you want to hand-deliver your letter, mail it, or leave it somewhere for your beloved to find. Another option is to arrange for your letter to be delivered by a courier company, which means you will be sure that it reaches your beloved on a particular day.

7. Pen and paper is best for short notes.

If you are writing a short love letter, then do pick up a pen and paper. Not everyone has good penmanship skills, and if you are going to be writing a letter that is several pages in length, you can do your composing in a keyboard. The advantage of this option is that you can edit and move your text around if you don’t like the way you have written it in your first draft.

8. Choose a romantic font.

If you decide to use your keyboard to compose your love letter, be sure to change your font. Now is not the time to stick to a standard business font like Times New Roman 12 or Helvetica Regular 12. Experiment with the fonts in your word processing program to find one that you like and that fits the occasion. Look for one that imitates cursive writing if you can find it, and don’t hesitate to make the type larger than the standard 11 or 12 pitch to make it more legible. You don’t want your reader to have to squint to make out your words.

9. Write your letter and let it sit for a day or two before sending.

Love letters are, by definition, highly emotional exercises. Read what you have written before sending it to your beloved after you have had some time to digest it. If you are happy with the results, send it.

10. Your letter doesn’t have to be perfect to be meaningful.

No one is looking for perfection in a love letter. Just write what is in your heart, and you’ll be using exactly the right language.

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