《Foolish Monkeys》愚蠢的猴子寓言故事

   2018-04-30 eGouz上网导航0
核心提示:《Foolish Monkeys》愚蠢的猴子这则语言故事的寓意是猴子不听猫头鹰的话,认为可以从萤火虫的身上取得火种,猫头鹰的话其实是正确的,但是猴子宁可相信自己也不相信猫头鹰的话,等自己亲自经历以后才发现猫头鹰的话是正确的,“生活中我们会遇到很多问题,要

《Foolish Monkeys》愚蠢的猴子这则语言故事的寓意是猴子不听猫头鹰的话,认为可以从萤火虫的身上取得火种,猫头鹰的话其实是正确的,但是猴子宁可相信自己也不相信猫头鹰的话,等自己亲自经历以后才发现猫头鹰的话是正确的,“生活中我们会遇到很多问题,要善于接受别人的建议和劝告。”

《Foolish Monkeys》愚蠢的猴子寓言故事

Before several centuries, there was a very large, dense and dark forest. A group of monkeys arrived at the forest. It was winter season, and the monkeys struggled hard to survive the freezing cold nights. They were hunting for fire to get warm.

One night, they saw a firefly and considered it a dab of fire. All the monkeys in the group shouted ‘Fire, Fire, Fire, Yeah we got fire!’

A couple of monkeys tried to catch the firefly and it escaped. They were sad as they could not catch the fire. They were talking to themselves that they couldn’t live in the cold if they didn’t get the fire.

The next night, again they saw many fireflies. After several attempts, the monkeys caught a few fireflies. They put the fireflies in a hole dug in the land and tried to blow the flies.

They blew the flies very hard without knowing the fact that they were flies!

An owl was watching the activities of the monkeys. The owl reached the monkeys and told them, ‘Hey those are not fire! They are flies. You won’t be able to make fire from it!’

The monkeys laughed at the owl. One monkey replied the owl, ‘Hey old owl you don’t know anything about how to make fire. Don’t disturb us!’

The Owl warned the monkeys again and asked them to stop their foolish act. ‘Monkeys, you cannot make fire from the flies! Please hear my words.’

The monkeys tried to make fire from the flies.

The Owl told them again to stop their foolish act. ‘You are struggling so much, go take your shelter in a nearby cave. You can save yourself from the freezing cold! You won’t get fire!’

One monkey shouted at the owl and the owl left the place.

The monkeys were simply doing the foolish activity for several hours and it was almost midnight. They were very tired and realized that the words of the owl were correct and they were trying to blow a fly.

They sheltered themselves at the cave and escaped from the cold.

We may go wrong many times and should seek and accept the advice / suggestions provided by others.

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