
   2018-04-30 eGouz上网导航0
核心提示:这是一首有关于儿童和秋千的儿童诗歌,通过简洁的语言、优美的旋律、真挚的感情来描述儿童与秋千的纯真和美好回忆。SWING, swing, swing,Through the drowsy afternoon ;Swing, swing, swing,Up I go to meet the moon.Swing, swing, swing,I can see as I go



SWING, swing, swing,

Through the drowsy afternoon ;

Swing, swing, swing,

Up I go to meet the moon.

Swing, swing, swing,

I can see as I go high

Far along the crimson sky ;

I can see as I come down

The tops of houses in the town ;

High and low,

Fast and slow,

Swing, swing, swing.

Swing, swing, swing,

See ! the sun is gone away ;

Swing, swing, swing,

Gone to make a bright new day.

Swing, swing, swing.

I can see as up I go

The poplars waving to and fro,

I can see as I come down

The lights are twinkling in the town,

High and low,

Fast and slow,

Swing, swing, swing.

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