
   2018-04-30 eGouz上网导航0
核心提示:如何赞美你的女朋友并获得芳心的?有了女朋友并不是拥有了一切,你需要让她嫁给你并于你一直到老才算是终点,那么你怎么让她钟情于你呢?赞美只是表达你心里的一个方法,简单的几句话往往就会打动她的心!How to Describe a Beautiful WomanIt's not really h



How to Describe a Beautiful Woman

It's not really hard to make a lady feel on top of the world with a couple of simple words. Here is a way to describe a beautiful woman:

1、First hold her hand gently and cuddle with her a bit. This might startle her a bit, but just smile and relax.

2、Don't be shy while talking, some find it cute while some people find it uncomfortable for them. Just think that you're talking to your friend, or like I said, RELAX.

3、The best way is to describe the things you like about her. Example, "I like your eyes. They look like water in the sunshine." or "Your smile is so dazzling."

4、Try to tell her that you like the things that she hates about herself this will make her more confident and probably think she's the luckiest woman alive.

5、Use simple words such as: gorgeous, lovely, beautiful, charming, angelic, marvelous, stunning, magnificent etc.

6、Make sure you don't say the same things over and over! If you do, it will sound weird and she might grow impatient.

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