
   2018-04-29 eGouz上网导航0
核心提示:特蕾莎·玛丽·梅(Theresa Mary May,简称“特蕾莎·梅”、“特雷莎·梅”或“特里莎·梅”、“特丽莎·梅”,港译“文翠珊”),1956年10月1日生,英国伊特斯本人,毕业于牛津大学地理专业。英国保守党籍女性政治家,现任英国首相及保守党党首。大学毕业后曾

特蕾莎·玛丽·梅(Theresa Mary May,简称“特蕾莎·梅”、“特雷莎·梅”或“特里莎·梅”、“特丽莎·梅”,港译“文翠珊”),1956年10月1日生,英国伊特斯本人,毕业于牛津大学地理专业。英国保守党籍女性政治家,现任英国首相及保守党党首。大学毕业后曾在银行界工作,1986年当选伦敦市议员步入政界,1997年当选为英国国会议员,2002至2003年曾担任保守党主席,2010年保守党大选获胜后出任内政大臣。 卡梅伦辞职后,特蕾莎·梅顺利地成为了党首和首相的继任者。2016年7月11日,当选为英国第54任首相,同时是英国历史上第二位女首相。

Easter is the most important time in the Christian calendar.


A time when we remember Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, and give thanks for the promise of redemption afforded by his resurrection.


Over the last year, Britain has faced some dark moments, from the terrorist attacks at Westminster Bridge and London Bridge, at Manchester Arena and Finsbury Park, and the fire at Grenfell Tower.


I know from speaking to the victims and survivors of these terrible events how vital the love and support they have received from their friends, family and neighbours has been to them as they begin to rebuild their lives. In the bravery of those facing adversity, the dedication of our emergency services, and the generosity of local communities, we see the triumph of the human spirit.


The Easter story contains an inspiring promise of new life and the triumph of hope.


For Christians around the world facing persecution, the message of the Cross and the resurrection help them to stand firm in their faith.


Here in Britain, Easter arrives with the coming of spring – a time of rebirth and renewal.


It is a chance for families to come together, to share a meal, to be outdoors and to enjoy the first stirring of nature after winter.


However you are spending this Easter, I hope that you have a happy and peaceful time.


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