
   2018-04-10 21英语网0
核心提示:TNSThe past few years saw the rise of clothing, phone cases and even furniture featuring flamingos, cactuses, pineapples, and watermelons – and the popularity of these tropical elements still shows no sign of fading.过去的几年里,火烈鸟、


The past few years saw the rise of clothing, phone cases and even furniture featuring flamingos, cactuses, pineapples, and watermelons – and the popularity of these tropical elements still shows no sign of fading.
过去的几年里,火烈鸟、仙人掌、菠萝、西瓜等图案的服饰、手机壳、甚至家具都火了 —— 而这些热带元素的热度仍然没有丝毫减退。

These elements feature the colors pink, green and yellow. And “the shapes are as sunnily evocative and as easy to draw as a smiley face”, the Guardian noted.

The appeal of flamingos, known for their bright pink feathers and S-shaped necks, is obvious. “Flamingos aren’t something you see in everyday life,” British stylist Emily Blunden told the Guardian. “By having one [graphic on your clothes], you bring a little bit of fantasy.”

Flamingos used to have nothing to do with fashion. In the 1950s and 60s, flamingo figures were often seen on the lawns of US suburban homes, and were usually associated with poor taste. But when a social media photo posted by US singer Taylor Swift in 2015 showed her at a party with her fellow guests riding inflatable flamingos in a pool, the pink birds instantly went from kitsch to cool.

Cactuses are also something striking to look at. “A cactus is the juxtaposition of something that is spiky and tough, yet produces flowers that are delicate and pretty,” British designer Digby Jackson told Paper magazine.

Surviving in extreme environments, cactuses protect themselves by reacting to changes slowly. This somehow gives this sustainable plant a symbolic meaning. “You have this plant that will not change from the moment you get it till the moment you die,” US cactus expert Carlos Morera told the Guardian. “They are a rebellion against modern times, efficiency, production, and results.”

Like cactuses, pineapples carry symbolism too. In some parts of the US, if there’s a pineapple-shaped knocker on a front door, it means the home’s owner is likely to be welcoming and hospitable.

These positive meanings have drawn the attention of the fashion world. Fruit is no longer just food – we can wear it now. Last year, watermelons also became fashion statements when a social media trend introduced a trick of perspective that makes slices of watermelon look like clothes in photos.
这些积极的意义引起了时尚界的关注。水果不仅仅只是食物 —— 我们现在也可以把它穿在身上。去年西瓜就在社交媒体上掀起了一股热潮,人们借助视角位置让一块块西瓜在照片里看似就像穿在身上的衣服,令其成为了一大时尚热点。

And the trend didn’t stop online – it moved off people’s smartphone screens and into clothes stores. “The ability of social networks to launch, broadcast and instantly reinforce the credibility of a trend has accelerated the old process of style development by an almost incalculable factor,” US futurist Ryan Mathews told Bloomberg.
而这一热潮在网上尚未结束 —— 西瓜从人们的智能手机屏幕上来到了服装店。“社交媒体能够发起、传播并迅速增强趋势的可信度,这样的能力以一种几乎不可估量的速度推动了潮流发展的原有过程,”美国未来派艺术家瑞恩·马修斯在接受彭博社采访时表示。

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