
   2018-04-07 21英语网0
核心提示:Actor Wang Kai is a “national treasure keeper” on the TV show National Treasure. CCTVFor some people, going to a museum is a deep and fulfilling experience. For others, it’s just several hours’ worth of yawning.对于一些人而言,去博物馆

Actor Wang Kai is a “national treasure keeper” on the TV show National Treasure. CCTV

For some people, going to a museum is a deep and fulfilling experience. For others, it’s just several hours’ worth of yawning.

Museums are treasure troves of information that can give insights into different destinations and cultures. But how to make museums and their lifeless historical collections more appealing is a tough question that is worth delving into.

National Treasure, a cultural exploration program which began to air on Channel 3 of China Central Television (CCTV) on Dec 3, sheds light on ways to arouse interest in museums and the collections they hold.

Aiming to make ancient relics come alive, the show presents “treasures through different artistic methods, and fully interprets the stories and history behind each cultural relic, so that audiences can not only understand how to appreciate the beauty of cultural relics, but also know the civilization they carry and the spiritual core of Chinese culture sustained over the years”, Yu Lei, chief director of the TV program, told China Daily.

The show uses different methods, including dramatic performances and documentary-style storytelling, to showcase the background stories of several national treasures. Each treasure is presented by “national treasure keepers”, both celebrities and common people. While interpreting the mysteries behind the treasures, the “national treasure keepers” also tell their own stories.

Hong Kong actor Tony Leung, for example, calls himself a “half Forbidden City man” because he spent a lot of time at the Palace Museum when shooting the 1983 movie Reign Behind a Curtain, in which he played Emperor Xianfeng (1831-61). On the show, he is the keeper of the Palace Museum’s 2,300-year-old stone drum and performs as famous statesman Sima Guang (1019-86) from the Northern Song Dynasty.
香港演员梁家辉称自己为“半个故宫人”,他在1983年的电影《垂帘听政》中出演咸丰帝 (1831-61), 因而在故宫博物院度过了大量时光。在节目中,他是故宫博物院具有2300年历史的石鼓的守护人,并饰演了北宋时期著名政治家司马光 (1019-86)。

In fact, shows that promote traditional craftsmanship and ancient relics have become more popular in recent years.

Shan Jixiang, curator of the Palace Museum, told China Daily that the popularity of Masters in Forbidden City, a 2016 documentary featuring the Forbidden City’s cultural relics and their restorers, encouraged 15,000 college students to apply to work at the Palace Museum this year. He said the show National Treasure will touch millions of people’s hearts and encourage more people to visit museums.

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