
   2018-04-07 21英语网0
核心提示:The Academy Awards ceremony celebrated its 90th birthday on March 4.3月4日,奥斯卡金像奖迎来了90岁的生日。The Oscars have been around for so long that they serve as an indicator of what the Hollywood community values now and in the past.不

The Academy Awards ceremony celebrated its 90th birthday on March 4.

The Oscars have been around for so long that they serve as an indicator of what the Hollywood community values now and in the past.

The awards don’t represent any absolute standard of excellence or quality. Rather, they demonstrate the particular taste of a group of people at a specific point in time.

The Oscars continue to mean something because they’re given by people from different backgrounds who work together to make movies. This matters because it speaks from a place of knowledge and experience. The members take their responsibility seriously, studying each nominated film carefully. That is part of what keeps the awards going.

Easy access to nominated material, such as DVDs or streaming links, makes it easier for voters to follow their taste into the world of independent, non-studio films. This has turned the Oscars into a more accurate reflection of where we are today.

The Polish director Andrzej Wajda, his country’s most significant filmmaker, won an honorary Oscar in 2000. Wajda was grateful for the award, and he said that the Polish government planned to put it on public display next to Polish labor activist Lech Walesa’s Nobel Prize for Peace.
波兰最伟大的制片人、导演安德烈·瓦依达在2000年获得了奥斯卡终身成就奖 。他对获得这一奖项深表感谢,称波兰政府计划将奖杯放在波兰劳工活动家莱赫·瓦文萨的诺贝尔和平奖旁,进行公开展示。

Another reason the Oscars remain relevant is rooted in the controversy over how the academy is made up, and the organization’s attempt to change the situation. When it was pointed out recently by many people that the Oscars academy was mainly made up of white males, the group didn’t just worry, it acted, adding more than 1,400 new members in the past few years.

Having a more diverse representation undoubtedly contributed to this year’s nominations. In the past, it would have been hard to imagine a cross-species love story such as The Shape of Water leading the way with 13 nominations, or having the dark drama Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, emerging as a winner. Having top contenders that are plugged into the zeitgeist has given the Oscars as much relevance as they have ever had in recent years.

So even though the Oscars are getting close to 100 years old, such events that celebrate an art form this powerful will always have a place in our world.

标签: 奥斯卡 电影
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