
   2018-04-07 21英语网0
核心提示:April Fools’ Day is a day on which people play harmless tricks on each other. FILE PHOTOWhen I was at school, April Fools’ Day was always good fun. We played tricks on each other and sometimes on the teacher. In fact, one year one of the

April Fools’ Day is a day on which people play harmless tricks on each other. FILE PHOTO

When I was at school, April Fools’ Day was always good fun. We played tricks on each other and sometimes on the teacher. In fact, one year one of the boys at school put a bucket of water on top of the door and when the chemistry teacher came in he got very wet! It was funny, but the boy got in big trouble!

When and what is April Fools’ Day?

April Fools’ Day is on 1 April. It’s the custom in the UK to play a trick or a joke on someone on this day. If the person falls for the joke then they are called an “April Fool”. In fact it’s only half a day because April Fools’ Day finishes at midday. No more jokes after lunchtime, please.

Here are some April Fools’ tricks from around the world:

• In the 1990s a fast-food chain published an advert in a US magazine offering new “Left-handed Whoppas” for the 32 million left-handed Americans. Thousands of customers ordered the new burger in the restaurants.

• A zoo in Japan said that it had a giant penguin that was 165 cm tall and weighed 80 kg. In fact it was a man dressed up in a penguin suit.

• In 1949 a radio presenter in New Zealand told listeners that there were millions of wasps coming to invade. He told viewers to wear their socks over their trousers and to put honey on their doors. Millions of listeners believed him.

• In 1976 a very famous British astronomer told radio listeners that at 9:47 am the Earth was going to experience a feeling of less gravity. He said that Jupiter and Pluto would cross and if listeners jumped in the air at exactly 9:47 am they would feel the sensation of having no gravity. Hundreds of listeners phoned the radio to say they had jumped and floated in the air.
1976年,英国一位著名的宇航员告诉广播听众,上午9时47分时地球的重力将会减少。他表示, 木星和冥王星将相交,如果听众们在上午9时47分那会儿往上跳,就有失重感。数百名听众事后给广播电台打电话,称他们这么做了以后在空中浮了起来。

• A British newspaper announced that Portugal had “sold” the footballer Cristiano Ronaldo to Spain for €160 million. Why? To try to clear its national debt. It was a joke of course.

标签: 愚人节 整蛊
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