
   2017-08-08 沪江网0
核心提示:Brooklyn Beckham shows off new 'Made in England' tattoo and everyone is very confused布鲁克林·贝克汉姆的炫耀新纹身“英国制造”,弄懵了所有人The 18-year-old aspiring photographer debuted the 'Made in England' ink - etched on the side of his

Brooklyn Beckham shows off new 'Made in England' tattoo and everyone is very confused

The 18-year-old aspiring photographer debuted the 'Made in England' ink - etched on the side of his left foot - on social media on Wednesday morning.
周三上午,18岁的布鲁克林在社交媒体上晾出了自己位于左脚外侧的纹身——“Made in England”。

But while most of his followers praised the new ink, it left a lot of people scratching their heads.

It was widely thought that David and Victoria Beckham's eldest son was conceived in Brooklyn, despite Posh Spice later saying she simply liked the name.

Writing in her 2001 biography Learning To Fly, Victoria said she had always loved the name 'Brooke' and New York is where she found out she was pregnant.

Brooklyn's latest inking comes just weeks after he got a compass etched on his forearm.

Before that he got a camera tattooed on his upper left arm, while his first ever design was a Native American tattoo.

However, he faced a huge backlash after debuted the Native American chief, with some of his followers calling the tattoo “culturally insensitive” and “highly offensive”.



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