
   2017-08-08 沪江网0
核心提示:Ofo has launched its bike rental service in Thailand, unannounced, Technod founder and CEO Gang Lu has learned at the Techsauce conference in Bangkok.ofo小黄车未经宣布就在泰国推出了其租车服务,动点科技创始人兼总裁卢刚在曼谷的技术大会上了解

Ofo has launched its bike rental service in Thailand, unannounced, Technod founder and CEO Gang Lu has learned at the Techsauce conference in Bangkok.

Ofo has already established a subsidiary and begun operations with the first batch of 500 bikes targeting university students in the capital Bangkok. The bikes will be placed directly on the streets as has been seen across China, and more recently in the US, UK and Singapore.

The launch has been kept under wraps as the first batch is intended to be a trial. Local Thai ofo staff revealed that the company is already testing the water in other parts of Southeast Asia. Staff are hopeful about the uptake of ofo in Bangkok, in part due to the city’s horrendous traffic conditions.

Our man on the scene, TechNode founder and CEO Gang Lu, checked with ofo founder Austin Zhang who replied, “rapid spread, yellow will cover the world” (“快速拓展,黄遍全球”), echoing previous statements.
动点科技创始人兼总裁卢刚, 在现场与ofo小黄车的创始人贾斯汀·张进行了确认。张先生表示,小黄车的目标是“快速发展,黄遍全球”,该答复也与其先前的声明相呼应。



标签: 曼谷 小黄
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