
   2017-07-15 沪江网0
核心提示:Tencent’s ‘Honor of Kings’ may have drawn the ire of China’s moral police this week, but that hasn’t hindered the internet giant’s plans to take the mobile gaming sensation global.腾讯游戏“王者荣耀”在中国可能受到了道德谴责,但这并

Tencent’s ‘Honor of Kings’ may have drawn the ire of China’s moral police this week, but that hasn’t hindered the internet giant’s plans to take the mobile gaming sensation global.

According to a story in Bloomberg Friday morning, Hong Kong-listed Tencent wants to roll-out the title across the U.S. and parts of Europe as early as September. The multiplayer fantasy-themed game is Tencent’s most profitable mobile title and has about 200 million regular users in China.

The article, quoting sources familiar with the matter, says that taking the game global is part of Tencent’s plans to diversify its revenue base. The company, based in Shenzhen, is currently best known for its WeChat social network, which has close to one billion users.

Here’s more from today’s Bloomberg article:

Tencent may also be trying to create a truly global title to stand beside foreign acquisitions League of Legends and Clash of Clans. The self-developed Honour of Kings, in which players hack and slash their way through battle arenas, has been gradually introduced to select markets beyond China, such as Turkey and Thailand. Now it also will launch in the U.S., France, Italy, Spain and Germany, the people said.
腾讯也许会像国外并购集团英雄联盟(League of Legends)和部落战争(Clash of Clans)一样,走向世界。在王者荣耀中,玩家需要自行修炼,在战事中谋发展。这款游戏早就在探索土耳其和泰国市场了。有人说,王者荣耀现在还将在美国、法国、意大利、西班牙、德国等地进行推广。

Those versions of the title are expected to incorporate local touches: some of the existing international takes let players assume the mantle of Van Helsing or Batman for instance, in a tie-up with Warner Bros. Interactive and DC Entertainment. Tencent’s already renamed the app Strike of Kings in many non-Chinese markets.
王者荣耀的不同国家版本将融入当地特点:比如现存部分国际版本与华纳兄弟合作,为玩家提供了吸血鬼猎人和蝙蝠侠的披风。腾讯将其国外版本定名为“Strike of Kings”。

Honor of Kings is free to download for gamers, and makes money by charging players for upgrades and additional items. 

Tencent’s stock has been slammed by investors this week, at one point shedding up to 5% in one trading day. The bloodbath came after a number of online opinion pieces in the state-owned People’s Daily newspaper criticized Honor of Kings as “poison.” The paper claimed that a Chinese teenager had suffered a stroke and almost died after becoming addicted to the game and playing it for 40 hours non-stop. That’s made investors nervy about China imposing more regulations on these sorts of titles. Tencent has tried to dampen any controversy surrounding the game by imposing limits on how long youngsters can play per day.



标签: 荣耀 腾讯
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