
   2017-07-15 沪江网0
核心提示:1. When you were hungry and craving a snack.1. 当你饿了、强烈地渴望零食果腹的时候。(见头图)#GrowingUpAsian this container was filled with damn sewing supplies and no cookies. -- Gabrielle Jahromi (@heregoesmyGabie)这个容器里装满了缝纫用
1. When you were hungry and craving a snack.
1. 当你饿了、强烈地渴望零食果腹的时候。(见头图)

#GrowingUpAsian this container was filled with damn sewing supplies and no cookies. -- Gabrielle Jahromi (@heregoesmyGabie)
这个容器里装满了缝纫用品,没有饼干TT。——Gabrielle Jahromi (@heregoesmyGabie)

2. So then you looked in the fridge, only to have your dreams crushed all over again.
2. 然后你就去冰箱找食物,却发现你的美梦又一次破碎了。

#growingupasian when u want some ice-cream... -- wanqi (@tbhwanqi)
当你想要来点冰淇淋的时候(鸡腿是什么鬼!!!)——wanqi (@tbhwanqi)

3. When your mom decided to teach you how to cook.
3. 当你的妈妈决定教你做饭的时候。

#GrowingUpAsian measuring how much water to put in the rice by... -- AnnaBanana (@annanarin11)
测量烧饭该放多少水……(一个指节哈一个!)——AnnaBanana (@annanarin11)

4. Scrambled eggs with rice was a staple.
4. 蛋炒饭是主食。

#growingupasian whisking eggs with chopsticks -- Eric chen (@chunky_chen)
用筷子搅拌鸡蛋——Eric chen (@chunky_chen)

5. Your entire family could have lived off this.
5. 你全家都靠吃这个为生。

#growingupasian #growingupchinese breakfast every morning -- stephanie (@snugglytori)
每日早餐——stephanie (@snugglytori)

6. Hot water was the only readily available drink.
6. 要喝只能喝热水。

#growingupasian Who doesn't need hot water at all times of the day? -- Kyson (@kyson)
谁能一整天不需要热水?——Kyson (@kyson)

7. These things were crack.
7. 这些东西可棒了。

"@letzitaolive: #GrowingUpAsian white rabbit milk candy. You eat the 'plastic' too " I missed thissss -- April Daselle ♈(@lalalaepz)
大白兔奶糖。外面那层“塑料纸”也能吃。我超级怀念它!!!—April Daselle ♈(@lalalaepz)

8. This was the closest thing to cartoons.
8. 这是最像动画片的(电视剧)了。

#GrowingUpChinese—sarah (@yiff666)
中国人的成长日常—sarah (@yiff666)

9. You always came back with cute pajamas — often emblazoned with random English words that made no sense.
9. 回到家,你总是穿着国产卡通睡衣——上面通常印在毫无意义的英语单词。

shout out to my sister for buying me the cutest cow pjs from china -- vikki (@victoria_vuong)
我姐给我从中国买来最可爱的牛牛睡衣,我却因此对她大吼……—vikki (@victoria_vuong)

10. These blankets drove you crazy — too thick and wooly to sleep with.
10. 这些毯子能把你逼疯——睡觉太厚重、羊毛太多。

#GrowingUpAsian having these thick wooly blankets with the weird prints. -- audrey (@auggybui)


标签: 当你 羊毛
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