
   2017-07-05 21英语网0
核心提示:Good news for people who have difficulty in remembering things. A memory technique invented by the ancient Greeks has recently been proved to be able to greatly improve ordinary people’s memory ability. You may even become a memory champio

Good news for people who have difficulty in remembering things. A memory technique invented by the ancient Greeks has recently been proved to be able to greatly improve ordinary people’s memory ability. You may even become a memory champion if you practice hard enough.

This is according to a study published in the journal Neuron. Researchers from Radboud University Medical Center in the Netherlands found that memory champions aren’t all that different to us. People with an average memory can greatly improve their memory ability by using what’s known as the “mind palace” method.

The method is the secret weapon (武器) of the fictional (虚构的) character Sherlock Holmes.

In order to do this, you need to picture a place you’re familiar with, such as your living room. Then, you have to remember this place in as much detail as possible as this is your own mind palace.

Suppose you want to remember a shopping list. You can start by spreading out all the items around your living room in your mind. This means each item on your list is connected with a remembered place in your living room. You travel to that remembered place as you recall the list.

To explore the effects of this method on the brain, researchers gathered 51 participants with average memory levels and no previous memory training. After 40 days of daily 30-minute training sessions (一段时间), participants doubled the amount of words they could remember – they went from recalling an average of 26 words out of 72, to an impressive 62. Four months later, even without continued training, their recall performance remained high.
为探索这个脑力方法的效果,研究人员召集了51名记忆力在平均水平的实验参与者,这些人先前都未经过记忆力训练。参与者们每天都接受了30分钟的记忆力训练,40天后,他们能够记住的单词数量增加了一倍 —— 在72个单词中,他们从一开始平均只能记住26个单词,上升到后来十分可观的62个。而四个月后,就算没有继续参加训练,他们的记忆力表现依然十分出色。

“Once you are familiar with these strategies and know how to apply them, you can keep your performance high without much further training,” Martin Dresler, assistant professor from Radboud University Medical Center, told the Daily Mail.

In addition, the training also affects the way our brain cells connect. After training, the way that the participants’ brain cells connect began to be like those of memory champions compared to scans (扫描检查) taken before training. Researchers believe this could be responsible for their increased memory.

But what makes this research so fascinating is that it seems to prove that the talent to store things in your mind isn’t down to genes. Dresler found there was no difference in brain structure between memory champions and normal people, which means memory champions are not born with different brains.

“They, without a single exception, trained for months and years using methods to achieve these high levels of performance,” Dresler told Science Daily.

It’s clear that more studies are needed to find out what’s going on here, but the “mind palace” method might be your best bet to never forget an important name, date or appointment ever again.

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