
   2017-07-03 沪江网0
核心提示:While cheetahs might look like majestic and dangerous beasts, actually, they are very nervous beings. They get so anxious, they don’t know how to socialize with each other and get too stressed to have sex. That’s why they needed help as t

While cheetahs might look like majestic and dangerous beasts, actually, they are very nervous beings. They get so anxious, they don’t know how to socialize with each other and get too stressed to have sex. That’s why they needed help as they’re becoming extinct – and the solution came in the most unexpected form…

Seeing that cheetahs need some assistance, for years now zoo keepers have been assigning these animals their very own… emotional support dogs. “It’s a love story of one species helping another species survive,” said Jack Grisham, vice president at the St. Louis Zoo and species survival plan coordinator for cheetahs in North America.

“A dominant dog is very helpful because cheetahs are quite shy instinctively, and you can’t breed that out of them,” explains Janet Rose-Hinostroza, animal training supervisor at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. “When you pair them [cheetahs with dogs], the cheetah looks to the dog for cues and learns to model their behavior. It’s about getting them to read that calm, happy-go-lucky vibe from the dog” – and that helps them be more confident and willing to get it on.

Cheetahs are very socially awkward and shy animals – and that’s why they need dogs.

They get so anxious and stressed, they don’t breed and are becoming extinct.

When they have a dog around, cheetahs relax and learn confident behaviors they can mimic.

“It’s a love story of one species helping another species survive.”

That’s right, cheetahs, relax and enjoy yourselves like doggies would – then procreate!


标签: 猎豹 狗狗
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