
   2017-06-03 21英语网0
核心提示:Dating back to 600 BC, the imperial family of Japan is the world’s oldest continuous monarchy. But for the first time in history, the family, as Reuters put it, “enters uncharted waters”.日本皇室的历史能够追溯回公元前600年,是世界上延续

Dating back to 600 BC, the imperial family of Japan is the world’s oldest continuous monarchy. But for the first time in history, the family, as Reuters put it, “enters uncharted waters”.

The news came on May 17 that Princess Mako, 25, the eldest grandchild of current emperor Akihito, is to be engaged to her college boyfriend Kei Komuro. He is a “commoner”, which is another way of describing someone who isn’t part of the royal family.

This is a big decision. Under Imperial Household Law, which has been in place since 1947, women of the royal family have to give up their royal status if they marry a commoner, and their children will not be royal either.

To add to this, two days later, Japan’s government approved the request of 83-year-old Emperor Akihito to abdicate. It is the first time in nearly 200 years that an emperor has given up his throneinstead of letting nature take its course. The emperor’s oldest son, Prince Naruhito, 57, will take over once his father steps down in 2019.

With Princess Mako leaving and Emperor Akihito stepping down, the ever-shrinking imperial family is facing a serious shortage of heirs, given that the Imperial Household Law only allows males to succeed to the throne.

To solve this problem, there has long been a suggestion that the law be changed, with many arguing it no longer suits modern times. And a recent poll by Kyodo News found that 60 percent of Japanese people believe that the children of royal women should be allowed to ascend the throne, while 80 percent are in favor of a female emperor.

But changing the law isn’t easy. Japanese conservatives seem to attach great significance to the males-only succession rule.

“This is all rooted in the concept of the unbroken male bloodline. The notion of what makes Japan special is that it has an imperial line that has been passed down through a male lineage,” Ken Ruoff of Portland State University in the US, an expert on the Japanese monarchy, told the BBC.

It is understandable that some people are afraid of change, just like how sailing in “uncharted waters” can be scary. But this doesn’t mean that it’s not a wise thing to do. As US writer Charles F. Glassman once wrote: “The danger of venturing into uncharted waters is not nearly as dangerous as staying on shore, waiting for your boat to come in.”

标签: 日本 皇室
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