
   2017-05-27 沪江网0
核心提示:Pinterest announced new ways for users to collect, search, and explore recipes–positioning the popular image-collecting site to further compete with cooking sites like Epicurious.com.Pinterest公司推出了寻找、收集和探索食谱的新办法,让这家

Pinterest announced new ways for users to collect, search, and explore recipes–positioning the popular image-collecting site to further compete with cooking sites like Epicurious.com.

Pinterest released updates to Pinterest Lens, a feature that recommends recipes for ingredients and suggests related recipes when a user searches for a specific dish.
该公司发布了Pinterest Lens更新,新功能会根据配料推荐食谱,并在用户搜索特定菜式时提示相关的食谱。

That means that if you search for “lemon,” you might be directed to a lemon chicken recipe.

Lens now offers “full dish recognition,” a visual discovery technology tool that utilizes AI to recognize meals and suggest inspired recipes.

That means that should you go to an Olive Garden and take a selfie with an eggplant parmesan, you can then use that photo to search for similar recipes–straight from your phone.

Pinterest Search, meanwhile, now offers new food filters, such as cook time, ingredients, and dietary preference.
与此同时,Pinterest Search也有了新的食物筛选方式,比如按烹饪时间、配料和饮食偏好筛选。

Pinterest will now also feature star ratings and written reviews for each recipe. This includes feedback and photos from fellow Pinners who have made the dish.


标签: 食谱 柠檬
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