
   2017-05-25 沪江网0
核心提示:France's new President Emmanuel Macron on Monday appointed Edouard Philippe as prime minister, announced Alexis Kohler, French president's secretary general. 法国新任总统马克龙周一任命爱德华·菲利普为总理,亚丽克西斯·科勒为总统秘书长。 T
France's new President Emmanuel Macron on Monday appointed Edouard Philippe as prime minister, announced Alexis Kohler, French president's secretary general.
The appointment came after the 39-year-old head of state was sworn in at the Elysee Palace on Sunday.
Edouard Philippe, a 46-year conservative lawmaker and mayor of Le Havre since 2010, will be in charge to form a government on Wednesday, Kohler said.
标签: 菲利普 爱德华
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