
   2017-05-25 沪江网0
核心提示:A photographer Jassen Todorov shares his unique perspective on the wind and solar power industries. When seen from thousands of feet in the air, solar installations and wind turbines become abstract works of art. Futuristic and abstract as

A photographer Jassen Todorov shares his unique perspective on the wind and solar power industries. When seen from thousands of feet in the air, solar installations and wind turbines become abstract works of art. Futuristic and abstract as these sites may seem, the concrete reality is that solar and wind energy are thriving.

Some large-scale solar power installations concentrate sunlight on a pipe of oil that, once heated, boils water to generate electricity.

A row of wind turbines stands tall in California, where officials have pledged to source 50% of the state's energy from renewables by 2030.

A wind turbine’s three curved blades can be as long as 200 feet; as they spin, they turn a shaft connected to an electric generator.

Wind turbines and solar panels in the Mojave Desert, California, provide renewable clean energy. By 2050, 50% of California’s energy could be produced by solar plants and onshore wind.

Spread over 400 acres, Nevada Solar One is a massive project built in the hot, dry desert just south of Las Vegas.

Rows of pipe produced by United Spiral Pipe stretch across a lot in California. These custom steel pipes are primarily used in the North American oil and gas industry.

Todorov started intentionally documenting both the good and the bad: he saw fascinating renewable energy installations, but also oil spills, Superfund sites, and massive pools of toxic waste.

An aerial view of a windmill farm at sunset in northern California.

Since being listed as a Superfund site, the Concord Naval Weapons Station has seen some recovery from its three decades of heavy metal contamination.

Fracking for natural gas and drilling for oil displace enormous volumes of wastewater, in Kern County, California.


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