
   2017-05-24 沪江网0
核心提示:DONALD Trump has demanded a carriage procession down the Mall during his planned visit to the UK in October, it has been revealed.据透露,在唐纳德·特朗普10月访英的预定行程中,他要求乘马车沿商业街列队行进。The Times reports that the preside

DONALD Trump has demanded a carriage procession down the Mall during his planned visit to the UK in October, it has been revealed.

The Times reports that the president sees the procession, planned for the second week of the visit, as an essential part of the trip.

Meanwhile, security sources are said to have warned the procession will require a “monster” operation to ensure security – while police are preparing for the most extensive public order operation in years.

Barack Obama opted to save his hosts the security nightmare when he visited the UK in 2011 –  instead travelling in a bullet and bomb-proof car.

China’s President Xi chose a closed carriage for the journey from Horse Guards Parade to Buckingham Palace as a precaution.

The Metropolitan Policeare reportedly already considering how to balance Trump’s security with the expected horde of demonstrators’ right to protest.

A source told The Times: “If he is in a golden coach being dragged up the Mall by a couple of horses, the risk factor is dramatically increased.”

Hundreds of heavily-armed security agents are reportedly set to travel with Trump, while there will also be a heavy presence of plain-clothed police officers, snipers and firearms officers placed in the crowds.

The source added: “There may well be protections in that coach such as bulletproof glass, but they are limited. In particular it is very flimsy.”


标签: 马车 泰晤士报
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