
   2017-05-22 21英语网0
核心提示:No one seems to remember the point when “gender” started to affect what we wear and what kind of people we become. In the dictionary, the word is about nothing but biology.似乎没有人记得“性别”是何时开始影响我们的穿着打扮,以及令我们成为

No one seems to remember the point when “gender” started to affect what we wear and what kind of people we become. In the dictionary, the word is about nothing but biology.

But now, a new Chinese “boy band” is tearing down the cultural implications behind the word.

Making their debut in Beijing on April 28, the band – named FFC-Acrush – have created a sensation on social media due to the fact that all five members are actually girls. Aged from 18 to 24, they present themselves with short hair, in ties and pants – looks typically associated with boys.
4月28日,这个名为FFC-Acrush的组合在北京完成了首秀,并在社交媒体上引起了轰动。因为,所有五名团员其实都是女孩。她们的年龄从18到24岁不等,都留短发,打领带,穿裤子 —— 以男生的经典形象示人。

Some people think of it as inappropriate for girls to dress this way, let alone see it as beautiful. But according to Wang Tianhai, head of the band’s entertainment company, they are introducing “the unique beauty of gender-neutral”, he told CNN. “We reckon that this style may become a trendy element.”

According to Vogue magazine, one can no longer judge the gender of many young people simply by their clothes, body language, hairstyle or attitude, because to them, individuality is more important than what’s conventionally considered to be “appropriate”.

“We are seeing more and more kids saying, ‘You know what? What’s with this either-or business? What’s with this boy-girl and you have to fit in one box or the other’?” Diane Ehrensaft, a US psychologist, told the NPR.

And this year’s MTV Movie & TV Awards in the US kicked off this new trend by abandoning the old way of handing out separate trophies on the basis of gender. Instead, they gave out gender-neutral awards, for which both male and female performers compete. And on May 7, UK actress Emma Watson took home the “Best Actor in a Movie” award for her performance in Beauty and the Beast (2017) – the first of its kind in history – beating male actors, including Logan (2017) star Hugh Jackman.

“Acting is about the ability to put yourself into someone else’s shoes and that doesn’t need to be separated into two different categories,” Watson said in her acceptance speech. “Empathy and the ability to use your imagination should have no limits.”

It seems like gender-neutral is a trend that’s here to stay. FFC-Acrush’s arrival may even kick start the return of the word “gender” to its function of dividing people by their biological traits, and biological traits only.

After all, “The question isn’t ‘Why bend the gender rules?’ It’s ‘Why not?’” commented GQ magazine.

标签: 性别 潮流
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