
   2017-05-10 21英语网0
核心提示:When The Glory of Tang Dynasty (《大唐荣耀》) first came out in January, viewers had expected the series to fail because there had been so many shows full of historical inaccuracies and poor storytelling in recent years.《大唐荣耀》在今年1

When The Glory of Tang Dynasty (《大唐荣耀》) first came out in January, viewers had expected the series to fail because there had been so many shows full of historical inaccuracies and poor storytelling in recent years.

But it turned out to be a surprisingly popular hit. It’s had more than four billion views on Tencent.

“TV series made for young people aren’t necessarily far from mainstream values,” said Jiang Lei, vice-president of H&R Century Pictures, which created the series. “We aim to bring out the essence (精髓) of traditional Chinese culture and use modern expressions and methods to attract young people.”

The Glory of Tang Dynasty, which focuses on the love story of Li Chu, an emperor, and ShenZhenzhu, a woman of high birth, is set on the historical background of the An Shi Rebellion (安史之乱,755-763). The rebellion pulled the empire (帝国) down from its normal peaceful life.

“Though historical TV series have dominated (主导) our screens, it’s surprising that no big stories had ever focused on the An Shi Rebellion, a key event in Chinese history,” said Liu Yeyuan, a media professor at the Communication University of China. “Until now, young people’s understanding of the time was largely rooted in Tang poems. The new series offers them a chance to revisit history.”

Liu Yeyuan also said that the exchanges between China and other countries along the ancient Silk Road still create an emotional resonance (情感共鸣) today.

标签: 荣耀 大唐
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