
   2017-05-10 21英语网0
核心提示:It’s always been a sensitive (敏感的), if not taboo (禁忌的), topic in both school and at home. But a series of textbooks is trying to change that.就算不是禁忌,无论在学校还是家里,它也一直是个敏感话题。但一套课本正在试图改变此种状况。Cher

It’s always been a sensitive (敏感的), if not taboo (禁忌的), topic in both school and at home. But a series of textbooks is trying to change that.

Cherish Life (《珍爱生命》), a series of primary school textbooks designed for students between first and sixth grade to teach them about sex, has caused heated debate over what sort of content is suitable to teach the subject to children.

One mother in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, was angry after she found her son, a second-year primary school pupil, was reading one of the textbooks. She thought the content of the book was improper as it contains illustrations (插图) of sexual organs and introductions to sensitive topics such as sexual harassment (骚扰).

The textbooks are now in use in 18 elementary schools in Beijing and are being sold in bookshops.

“Is it right for a textbook to be compiled (编写) like this? I blushed (脸红) when reading it,” she said in a Sina Weibo post. A number of parents also agreed that the content went too far.

In response to public concern over the books, publisher Beijing Normal University defended the books. “The textbooks went through nine years of testing. They are strictly designed, tested, revised (修改) and checked. We have consulted (咨询) with parents, students and teachers throughout the process,” the university explained in a statement.

“The need for sex education, as well as child sexual development, is hugely neglected (忽视) [in China] as there is a lack of sex education both at home and in school.”

According to a survey by the China Family Planning Association last year, 44 percent of Chinese university students say they hadn’t gone through sex education before.

But some people have expressed support for the books. A teacher surnamed (姓) Yu at the Xingzhi Elementary School in Beijing, who uses the textbook for her classes of 12 to 13-year-olds, told CNN they had been “well received”.

“I think the textbooks play a positive role in guiding children towards having a healthy attitude to sex,” she said.

And Li Yinhe, one of China’s best-known sociologists (社会学家) and sex educators, said the books were “very proper”.

She pointed to government guidelines calling for greater sex education, but said more needs to be done.

“We are lacking in trained teachers, dedicated (投入的) class hours, and systematic textbooks,” she said. “This collection makes up for the textbook part.”

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