
   2017-05-10 21英语网0
核心提示:What does it take to graduate from a university? Many may say all you have to do is take classes and pass the exams. Well, it requires more than it if you’re a student at Tsinghua University.要想从大学毕业应该怎么做呢?许多人或许都会说,你

What does it take to graduate from a university? Many may say all you have to do is take classes and pass the exams. Well, it requires more than it if you’re a student at Tsinghua University.

Starting this September, freshmen at the university will have to take swimming courses. If they fail a swimming test at the beginning of their university course, they won’t receive their degree until they can pass the test successfully, according to an announcement by Tsinghua University president Qiu Yong.

Exceptions will be allowed for students with certain physical or mental conditions, if proved by medical staff.

Liu Bo, head of the Division of Sports Science and Physical Education, explained why the university is linking swimming ability with degrees.

“As a requisite (必要的) survival skill, swimming is beneficial for students in the long run, since swimming is helpful in improving students’ endurance and does less harm to joints (关节) and muscles as a water sport,” he told China Daily.

Viewing the ability to swim as a must for students is not something new to this university – it was also a requirement in the early 20th century. It was later dropped due to a rising number of students and a lack of facilities (设施). Besides Tsinghua University, Peking University and Xiamen University have also listed swimming as a compulsory course for students.
将游泳视为一项必备技能对于这所大学来说并不是新鲜事儿 —— 清华大学在上世纪早期也有同样的要求。但由于学生人数增多以及场馆设施有限,这一要求后来被取消。除了清华大学之外,北京大学和厦门大学也将游泳列为学生的必修课。

However, the announcement has caused a heated debate.

Some welcomed the new rule, saying it’s a necessary skill that can save lives.

“Swimming is a fundamental (基本的) skill. [It’s] a way to stay healthy and is lifesaving in emergency situations. I believe making it mandatory (强制的) is necessary,” Yuan Jiaxiang, a junior in Tsinghua’s Department of Civil Engineering, told China Daily.

However, some said it has nothing to do with getting a degree.

“It’s not reasonable (合理的) to require people to be able to swim for them to graduate,” Zheng Xiaoyu, a high school student from the Middle School Affiliated to Northern Jiaotong University, told China Daily. “For a lot of people who grew up in inland cities, learning how to swim as an adult will be difficult.”

In fact, Chinese universities are not the only education organizations that encourage their students to swim. A few colleges in the United States – including Cornell, Columbia and MIT – offer swim classes to students. “Anything that prevents people from dying needlessly is a valuable skill,” Fred DeBruyn, director of aquatics (水上运动) at Cornell, told The New York Times.
事实上,并非只有中国大学鼓励学生学习游泳,美国的一些大学 —— 包括康奈尔大学、哥伦比亚大学以及麻省理工学院在内 —— 都为学生开设了游泳课。“任何能防止不必要伤亡的能力都是一项有价值的技能,”康奈尔大学水上运动项目负责人弗雷德·德布朗在接受《纽约时报》采访时表示。

标签: 清华 游泳
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