
   2017-05-10 21英语网0
核心提示:How does it feel for a foreigner to become famous in China? The 22-year-old Kazakh singer Dimash Kudaibergenov, who recently shot to fame in the country, may be the best person to provide the answer.作为一名外国人在中国走红是什么滋味?最近

How does it feel for a foreigner to become famous in China? The 22-year-old Kazakh singer Dimash Kudaibergenov, who recently shot to fame in the country, may be the best person to provide the answer.

Kudaibergenov rose to fame in January when he first took part in "Singer 2017", a singing competition TV show. His voice instantly won hearts of Chinese audiences. Before he came to China one of his three wishes was to see pandas. And that came true last Saturday when he was named the ambassador for "I`m in China" in Chengdu in Southwest China`s Sichuan province, the first stop of the "I`m in China" program.
迪玛希今年一月首次参加了音乐竞技电视节目《歌手2017》并一唱成名。他的歌声瞬间便赢得了中国观众的心。来到中国之前,他有三个心愿,其中之一便是去看大熊猫。而这个愿望在上周六成真了。他在中国西南的四川成都被任命为 “体验中国”活动大使,而成都也是该项目的第一站。

"I`m in China" is a cultural exchanges project initiated by China International Communication Center and related institutions, in which foreign stars, online celebrities and volunteers will be invited to visit different places in China and experience local culture and custom. The opening ceremony of this event will be held in Chengdu on Friday.

His other two wishes were taking part in the TV show and meeting Jackie Chan. Now all three have come true. But that`s not all. He even got a chance to feed pandas, received a gift from Jackie Chan and became a household name after the contest.

"I`m grateful that the visit to Chengdu provided me an opportunity of close contact with pandas. I hope I can travel across China to see its different landscapes," said Kudaibergenov. "I love China! I`m in China."
“我很感激这次能来到成都,让我有机会和熊猫亲密接触。我希望能环游中国,看看各地不同的风景,” 迪玛希说。“我爱中国,我在中国。”

Apart from feeding pandas, Kudaibergenov was also invited to savor Sichuan hotpot, a famous local dish, and visit Wide and Narrow Alley, where ancient buildings dating back to the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) are still preserved.

During the tour he also discovered the close cultural connection between China and Kazakhstan. "I was so impressed by the face changing art in Sichuan Opera and was surprised to see that costumes in Sichuan Opera share similar decorative designs with Kazakh dresses."

He said he was inspired by the tour and plans to hold a concert in Chengdu, a hometown of many Chinese pop stars and winners of talent shows. "The Kazakh people are very fond of Chinese culture, and I think people here will also enjoy our Kazakh culture."

Kudaibergenov was born in a family of singers and was the winner of the Grand Prix Slavic Bazaar 2015 in Vitebsk in Russia.

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