长大后绝对不忍再看一遍的黑历史 每张都笑尿

   2017-02-03 沪江网0
核心提示:Scroll through any social media thread and you're bound to see countless photographs of other people's children.浏览社交网站的时候你一定看过很多别人家孩子的照片。And while many of them are perfectly pleasant snaps of them taking a nap or pl
Scroll through any social media thread and you're bound to see countless photographs of other people's children.

And while many of them are perfectly pleasant snaps of them taking a nap or playing in a park, there are plenty that the kids are sure resent as they grow up.

One mother took to social media to post a photo of her son who she had found wearing her knee-high boots while watching television.

A little girl wanted to bring a purse with her to go shopping and her brother took to Twitter to post a picture of what was inside it.

The Atlantis Dolphin Bay Instructor asked the little boy to 'gently kiss the dolphin' and so he licked it instead.

When one child didn't want to have to pay to go swimming, he decided to go snorkeling in the fountains of Notts Market Square instead.

When one boy was asked if he wanted to dress up as a tiger or superhero, he chose to go as a traffic light instead .

A parent caught their son watching cartoons at 3am and noticed he had helped himself to a couple of snacks.

A child thought that they could go fishing while having a bath and wanted to use tampons as fishing rods to catch fish.

A little girl decided to make her father a card and put a sticker on it which turned out to be a woman's sanitary pad.

An uncle posted on Twitter a hilarious picture of his young niece photobombing another family's picture.

One parent was momentarily freaked out when they walked in to find their son watching TV with no legs.

Taking the instructions seriously, a girl took to Twitter to post a picture of her sister applying deodorant exactly 15cm away from her underarm.

This little boy decided to find a place for all of his carrots and looked incredibly pleased with himself at the end of it.


标签: 照片 海豚
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