
   2017-02-03 沪江网0
核心提示:As bishops and priests walk back to the Vatican after a long day they might be dreaming about the the Pearly Gates but they will instead be welcomed back by golden neon gates.当主教和牧师经过漫长的一天后回到梵蒂冈,他们可能在幻想着天国之门

As bishops and priests walk back to the Vatican after a long day they might be dreaming about the the Pearly Gates but they will instead be welcomed back by golden neon gates.

McDonald's opened last week in a Vatican-owned property just around the corner from St. Peter's Square.

Last week’s opening of a McDonald’s in a Vatican-owned property just around the corner from St. Peter’s Square has been both welcomed and decried by Rome’s locals.

Some Romans have expressed joy on social media at the new restaurant, noting that the area around the Vatican is filled with overpriced restaurants catering to tourists, and suggesting the McDonald’s could actually be more discreet.

Others have worried about changes to the area’s cultural identity. Cardinal Elio Sgreccia called it a “controversial, perverse decision to say the least.”
其他人担心该地区文化特性的变化。主教Elio Sgreccia,说它“即使含蓄地讲,也是个既有争议又不伦不类的决定”。

McDonald’s itself stated that its new location was in a tourist area outside Vatican City, according to Reuters.

“As is the case whenever McDonald’s operates near historic sites anywhere in Italy, this restaurant has been fully adapted with respect to the historical environment,” the chain noted. 


标签: 梵蒂冈 麦当劳
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