囧研究:情商高不一定好 这些坏处你都想不到

   2017-01-23 沪江网0
核心提示:Gemma is extremely caring and sensitive. She pays a great deal of attention to others’ emotions and is kind and considerate. Her colleagues love working with her because they see her as a beacon of calm. Gemma’s manager enjoys dealing wit

Gemma is extremely caring and sensitive. She pays a great deal of attention to others’ emotions and is kind and considerate. Her colleagues love working with her because they see her as a beacon of calm. Gemma’s manager enjoys dealing with her, as she rarely complains about anything, is reliable and dependable.

The main reason for this is Gemma’s high emotional intelligence (EQ), which explains all of the qualities described above.

But is higher EQ always beneficial? Most things are better inmoderation, and there is a downside to every human trait.

Lower levels of creativity and innovation potential

While it is of course possible for creative people to be emotionally intelligent, the more common pattern for people like Gemma is to be great at following processes, building relations, and working with others but to lack the necessary levels of nonconformity and unconventionality that can drive them to challenge the status quo and replace it with something new.

Difficulty giving and receiving negative feedback

High EQ scorers like Gemma can be so highly adjusted and cool-headed that they may be indifferent to any negative feedback they receive. Indeed, high EQ scores can be hard to shake up, since they are generally so calm, adjusted, and positive.

Reluctance to ruffle people’s feathers

Although people like Gemma are psychologically well-endowed for entry-level or midlevel management jobs, senior leadership roles will require the ability to make unpopular choices often, bring about change, and focus on driving results, even at the expense of sacrificing employee relations.

A well-developed ability to manipulate others

Gemma’s high EQ may help her empathize and deliver a message that feels right to the audience — this is often a good thing. Taken too far, however, it can slide from influencing others to engaging in tactics of manipulation.

An aversion to risk

Most innovative ventures require a balance between risk taking and risk avoidance. People like Gemma are much more likely to play it safe and avoid bold choices. This is because high EQ is associated with higher levels of conscientiousness.

标签: 情商 较高
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