
   2017-01-17 沪江网0
核心提示:A train will travel a long journey from China to London as the Silk Road trading route is revived for a new era.随着“丝绸之路”贸易路线的复兴,一列火车将从中国出发,历经漫长的行程到达伦敦,而丝绸之路也将迎来新的纪元。The East Wind locomoti

A train will travel a long journey from China to London as the Silk Road trading route is revived for a new era.

The East Wind locomotive will pass through Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Poland, Belgium and France, before it pulls into Hackney Rail Freight terminal in London's East End on Wednesday.

Bringing an array of goods in 34 carriages mainly from the manufacturing town of Yiwu in East China, the train would have finished an incredible 16-day journey.

The trip will take it over mountain ranges, around deserts and across the vast Russian steppe.

The East Wind marks a revival in the ancient Silk Road trading route as well as a new era for UK-China relations.

In medieval times and even earlier, the route was used by merchants bringing their exotic wares to Europe from the Orient.

Due to the different rail gauges in each country, the same train can't complete the journey. But it will start with the East Wind - named after a famous quote from Chinese leader Mao Zedong: 'The east wind will prevail over the west wind.'

The trip will be faster than a container ship and half the price of air freight, and will make London to be directly linked to China.

On the journey back to Yiwu, the carriages will again be laden with cargo such as timber, meat and wines.

Oscar Lin, manager of the new line's UK agent Onetwothree Logistics, said: 'This cargo train service highlights the important trade partnership between the UK and China post-Brexit.

标签: 东风 伦敦
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