
   2017-01-09 沪江网0
核心提示:Don't worry - your eyes are not deceiving you. These pictures are sheer animal magic as photographers around the world captured a series of optical illusions from the natural world.不要担心,你的双眼并没有欺骗你。这些照片纯粹是动物魔术,世

Don't worry - your eyes are not deceiving you. These pictures are sheer animal magic as photographers around the world captured a series of optical illusions from the natural world.

A giraffe appears to sprout two necks in Kenya.

A myna bird looks as thought it is hitching a lift from its mate in New Delhi, India.

Cows appear to graze on the point of a roof of a house in Newton Abbot, Devon.

An owl turns a frown upside down in north-east France.

Two Gazelles seemingly merge together in Masai Mara, Kenya.

A penguin loses its head in the South Georgia Islands.

Two zebras appear to merge into one in the Namib Desert in Namibia, southern Africa.

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