
   2016-12-19 21英语网0
核心提示:P-45’s days may be numbered. The 5-year-old mountain lion has managed to cross busy roads safely, has avoided *ingesting a *lethal dose of rat poison and has successfully claimed his territory from his fellow *cougars – all challenges tha

P-45’s days may be numbered. The 5-year-old mountain lion has managed to cross busy roads safely, has avoided *ingesting a *lethal dose of rat poison and has successfully claimed his territory from his fellow *cougars – all challenges that have *stymied other members of the mountain lion population in the Santa Monica Mountains. His fatal mistake, however, was doing what mountain lions naturally do so well: killing and eating *prey.

Over the weekend, P-45 apparently broke into two *ranches in the hills above Malibu, killing 10 *alpacas at one property and a goat and an alpaca at the other. P-45 was identified as the *culprit by a tracking device he wears as part of a National Park Service study of the local mountain lion population.

It’s illegal to hunt mountain lions in California thanks to 1990’s Proposition 117, but the initiative included an exception for residents whose livestock is killed by a lion. And on Nov 28, the owner of the 10 dead alpacas requested and received a special “depredation permit” to hire a hunter to kill P-45. The 10-day permit allows the hunter to cover a 10-mile range around the ranch in search of the lion. Hunters often lure the lion with a deer *carcass.

The ranch owner is within her legal rights to have the lion killed. But killing P-45 is not the answer, especially when he is one of the few adult male mountain lions in an isolated population that is at risk of extinction.

Biologists who have been tracking the mountain lions in the Santa Monica Mountains believe P-45 is one of just two breeding-age male lions in the region. If he is killed under a *depredation permit and the other dies there will be a worrisome gap in breeding.

Of course, people should be allowed to protect themselves and their children if a mountain lion attacks. But the law that allows the issuance of depredation permits essentially gives the aggrieved party–the livestock owner–the right to decide whether the lion should live or die. There is no obligation on the part of the livestock owner to demonstrate that he or she took appropriate precautions to protect the animals. There is no evaluation by a wildlife official as to whether the lion poses a further threat to humans or animals.
诚然,如果美洲狮攻击人类,人们有权保护自己和孩子。但允许颁发“掠夺许可”的法律,从本质上讲,直接把美洲狮的生杀大权给予了受损害方,即家畜的主人。而他们却没有义务去说明采取了哪些适当的预防措施来保护家畜。并且,关于这只美洲狮是否会对人类和其他动物构成进一步的威胁, 也缺少野生动物方面的官员作出的评估。

Los Angeles residents are lucky to live near wild, open spaces large enough to sustain mountain lions. Surely there is a better way to manage the conflicts that arise when humans and their domestic animals move into areas that have long served as habitat for wildlife.

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