
   2016-12-05 沪江网0
核心提示:Pudgy older fathers live longer, are more attractive to the opposite sex and are better at passing on their genes than their leaner counterparts, scientists have claimed. 科学家表示,年长体胖的男性比偏瘦的男同胞更长寿,更吸引异性,生育能力
Pudgy older fathers live longer, are more attractive to the opposite sex and are better at passing on their genes than their leaner counterparts, scientists have claimed.
Becoming fatter after fatherhood due to decreasing testosterone levels may not fit the "macho" ideal, but it actually prolongs lives and strengthens immune systems, according to Richard Bribiescas, professor of anthropology and deputy provost at Yale University.
There is evidence that these men are less likely to suffer from heart attacks and prostate cancer, while a study in 2008 found that men with high metabolisms were around 50 per cent more likely to die in a given year than those whose bodies burned up less energy at rest.
"Macho makes you sick," said Prof Bribiescas. "The Hollywood image of the swaggering, dashing man dispatching bad guys and carrying the day conjures up a perception of indestructibility.
"While men are on average larger and physically stronger than women, men have a considerable weakness.
"We have a harder time fighting off infections and illness compared with women, and...men simply do not take care of themselves.
Prof Bribiescas also argues that becoming more podgy makes dads more likely to invest their time in their children rather than looking for other women, while the increased levels of fat could make them more attractive to women.


genes解释:n.基因( gene的名词复数 )


You have good genes from your parents, so you should live a long time. 你从父母那儿获得优良的基因,所以能够活得很长。 来自《简明英汉词典》

Differences will help to reveal the functions of the genes. 它们间的差异将会帮助我们揭开基因多种功能。 来自英汉非文学 - 生命科学 - 生物技术的世纪




I believe he has started reading up anthropology.我相信他已开始深入研究人类学。

Social anthropology is centrally concerned with the diversity of culture.社会人类学主要关于文化多样性。


metabolisms解释:n.新陈代谢( metabolism的名词复数 )


Garden snails are evolving slower metabolisms. 花园蜗牛新陈代谢进化缓慢。 来自互联网

Elite swimmers tend to be born with certain advantages, such as superefficient metabolisms. 精华的游泳者趋于与某个优点出生,例如superefficient新陈代谢。 来自互联网


conjures解释:用魔术变出( conjure的第三人称单数 ); 祈求,恳求; 变戏法; (变魔术般地) 使…出现


The word 'birthday' conjures up images of presents and parties. “生日”这个词使人想起礼物和聚会的情景。

The name Sahara conjures up images of a desert of aridity. "撒哈拉"这个名字使人想起干旱的沙漠情景。




He was out of sorts physically,as well as disordered mentally.他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。

Every time I think about it I feel physically sick.一想起那件事我就感到极恶心。

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