外媒:杨利伟外太空听到诡异敲击声 细思恐极

   2016-12-05 沪江网0
核心提示:China's first astronaut says he heard mysterious knocks during his first flight in space - but no one has been able to explain the cause of them.中国第一名宇航员称其第一次宇宙飞行时听到神秘的敲击声,但没有人能解释原因。Astronaut Yang Liwei

China's first astronaut says he heard mysterious knocks during his first flight in space - but no one has been able to explain the cause of them.

Astronaut Yang Liwei said the strange noises left him feeling very nervous and he looked out into the vast emptiness of space but couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

In 2003 Mr Yang became the first person sent into space by the Chinese space programme, orbiting earth several times during a 21-hour flight.

He recalled the experience in a recent interview, telling Chinese media the mysterious knocking sounds occurred without rhyme or reason.

Mr Yang revealed he was very nervous when he heard the sounds and moved close to the spaceship's porthole to investigate the cause.

When he returned to earth he explained the noises to officials with the space programme and tried to imitate it with instruments.

Mr Yang says the cause of the strange noises has never been established. He failed to see anything out of the ordinary.




相关热点: 英语翻译 外媒看中国

标签: 声音 敲击声
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