
   2016-12-05 21英语网0
核心提示:Cubs win the World Series.芝加哥小熊队夺得棒球世界大赛冠军。Donald Trump wins the White House.唐纳德•特朗普入主白宫。What do those two *epochal events have in common? Both were considered highly unlikely. And both happened.这两个划时代的事

Cubs win the World Series.

Donald Trump wins the White House.

What do those two *epochal events have in common? Both were considered highly unlikely. And both happened.

Many Americans therefore judge predictions, with more *skepticism. They’ve learned an important, even comforting, lesson about the limits of polling and other measures: Big Data is not destiny.

*Algorithms are formulas written by humans to take the guesswork out of what other human beings will do under certain circumstances.

Survey responses to pollsters, consumer buying habits, internet site visits, etc., can be plugged into computer models to suggest people’s future behavior. The understandable hope is always that if you start with knowable measurements and *crunch them through well-constructed formulas, you’ll produce a reliable preview of what will happen.

Not necessarily.

Computers don’t read minds. Nor do pollsters. People don’t always say what they think. Or they change their minds. People can be convinced and unconvinced. Some people say one thing but do another. You will never write a program to take into account all those *nuances and many others.

Big Data can lead to Big Mistakes. Google Flu Trends, for instance, sought to use data from internet searches to estimate when *influenza season would peak and at what level. But it drastically overestimated peak flu levels in the 2012-13 season. That failure “doesn’t erase the value of big data,” wrote David Lazer of Northeastern University and Ryan Kennedy of the University of Houston in Wired magazine. “What it does do is highlight a number of problematic practices in its use–what we like to call ‘big data *hubris.’”
大数据可能导致大错误。比如,谷歌流感趋势(Google Flu Trends)希望通过互联网搜索所获取的数据,来预测流感季达到峰值的时间及其强度。但它严重高估了2012至2013流感季病毒的强度。东北大学的大卫•雷泽和休斯敦大学的瑞恩•肯尼迪在《连线》杂志中写道,这次失败“不会抹灭大数据的价值”。“但它确实凸显了大数据在使用中存在的一些问题——我们通常称之为‘大数据浮夸’”。

Should we toss out data and rely only on experience, or on anecdotes, or on what we hear (true or false) from people with whom we agree?

That would be a dangerous overreaction to the election *flub. If people believe the data cannot be trusted, they may turn instead to “trusting *anecdotes from friends, family and tribe,” political blogger Erick Erickson writes in The New York Times. “Policies will be based on what people think are good ideas, not what data show. This will potentially … further segment an already divided nation,” he warns, aptly.
如果那样做,就是对这次大选的大数据偏差所做出的危险的过度反应。 政治问题博主埃里克•埃里克森在《纽约时报》中这样写道, 如果人们认为数据不可信,那么他们就会转向“信任那些从朋友、家人和社区获得的轶事”“政策的制定将会基于人们认为的不错的主意,而不是数据显示出来的东西。这可能会……进一步使原本就分化的国家更加分裂。”他适时地发出了这样的警告。

Humans embrace Big Data because we live in an unpredictable universe that is often *capricious. People feel comforted when they think they know what is going to happen. They see patterns in random chance. They purge from their thoughts the reality that a 74 percent chance of victory is a 26 percent chance of defeat. *Superstition endures.

Reality is elastic. Every moment brings new possibilities. That’s what makes life intriguing.

标签: 可靠 数据
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