
   2016-11-24 沪江网0
核心提示:Q: How Do People Celebrate Thanksgiving?问:感恩节应该怎么过?Thanksgiving is historically the busiest travel holiday of the year. Each year, Americans travel to visit family members in cars, trains and by plane. 感恩节在史上一直是一年中

Q: How Do People Celebrate Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is historically the busiest travel holiday of the year. Each year, Americans travel to visit family members in cars, trains and by plane. 

Thanksgiving does not center around religious traditions, and instead emphasizes family and harvests. 

The Thanksgiving holiday revolves around food, which often includes a variety of traditional items. Dinner typically includes a turkey, along with mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy. Sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and cornbread often accompany the meal. Desserts, primarily apple, pumpkin, pecan and sweet potato pies, follow decadent dinners. 

Families abstaining from meat and vegetarians substitute traditional meats with items, such as tofu, salads and other fruits and vegetables.

While families dine privately, Thanksgiving contains public ceremonies and traditions, too. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, for instance, takes place in New York City every year. 

Additionally, the U.S. President participates in a turkey pardon, which involves receiving a live turkey and allowing it to go free.


相关热点: 英语翻译

标签: 感恩节 传统
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